Early in life, babies only get nutritional intake from breast milk or breast milk. However, at the age of 6 months, babies begin to need complementary foods to meet their nutritional intake. Aside from vegetables, fruit can also be a nutrient-rich choice for 6-month babies. At the age of six months, the baby can begin to support his own head, adjust the movement of his tongue, and began to be interested in food. These signs usually indicate that the baby is ready to receive food other than breast milk. When choosing fruit as a solid, to present it so it is suitable for a 6 month baby. The Right Choice of Fruit as a Complementary Food for Mother's Milk As the digestive tract develops, babies 6-8 months of age can generally be given soft-textured food, such as baby-filter porridge. You can make your own baby porridge or use packaged baby porridge sold in supermarkets. If you choose to make your own complementary foods, you can refine the fruit into baby porridge to meet the nut...